
How Will Hurricane Irma Impact Coal Ash in her Path?

This blog was written by Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.



Lisa Evans is an attorney specializing in hazardous waste law. Ms. Evans has been active in hazardous waste litigation and advocacy for over 25 years. Since 2006, she has been a senior…


NC Lawmakers Come Up Short on Coal Ash

In the days and weeks after the Dan River disaster, North Carolina legislators made bold promises to protect the public from dangerous and polluting coal ash sites. Since May there's been several…


Lynn Ringenberg, M.D.: Coal Ash Pollution Needs Tighter Regulation

This post, written by Lynn Ringenberg, originally appeared in the South Florida Sun Sentinel on August 5, 2014. You can access the original article here.  A national epidemic has come to Florida. It is a…


Southeast Summer Coal Ash Roundup

Since the Dan River disaster hit almost 6 months ago, North Carolina has been front and center in coal ash news. So much so that it might seem that NC is the…


Coal Ash Legal Fight Moves to Florida

With all the news following the Dan River coal ash disaster this February, it may seem that North Carolina is the only Southeastern state with coal ash woes. Unfortunately, there are plenty…


Toxic Mercury Pollution Limits Survive Major Court Challenge

This guest post was originally published by Environmental Defense Fund on its Climate 411 blog and was co-authored by Pamela Campos, EDF attorney, and Mandy Warner, EDF Climate & Air Policy Specialist.  Find the…


Coal Ash Gets Its Day In Court

As predicted in our last blog post on the Dan River coal ash disaster, the repercussions of this tragic event continue to make daily news. While environmental and community advocacy groups have…


Dan River Disaster Recap Timeline

Having trouble keeping track of all the developments since the Dan River disaster began over a month ago? We continue to be amazed that the coal ash spill and subsequent developments have…


Dan River spill spurs major ash clean up orders

Over a month has passed since a broken stormwater pipe under coal ash lagoons at Duke Energy's retired Dan River power station began spewing 140,000 tons of toxic waste into the Dan River*.…