
Thankful for More Solar in Alabama

While the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has been retiring old coal plants or investing in expensive pollution controls to keep other coal plants operational, it has primarily focused on replacing any lost…


TVA: The Time to Contract for Clean Line's Wind Power is Now

This blog entry was written by Allie Brown, former Clean Energy Advocacy Manager at SACE.


The Local Power Company of the Future?! Chattanooga's EPB Lights the Way for Others

Imagine a world where your local power company calls you and tells you they've identified a potential problem with your home that is causing you to have unnecessarily high utility bills. Imagine…


Glasgow EPB's "mystery hour" rate gets a reboot

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


How one southeastern city is connecting renewable energy, transit and electric cars

Last week, we published a blog on Chattanooga’s Empower Chattanooga program, a flagship project for local sustainability, non-profit green spaces, and low-income energy efficiency solutions. But, Chattanooga is also leading the way with…


Education, trust and data combine to help Empower Chattanooga lower power bills for low-income families

Their mission is simple: teaching low-income residents low- and no-cost ways to reduce their power bills, something that has a direct impact on quality of life. Since launching in April 2015, the…


Spotlight Shines on Extreme Energy Burdens in Memphis

This past week, national experts from the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) traveled from Washington, D.C. to Memphis, TN to help shine a spotlight on the extreme energy burdens many…


Chattanoogans Ask TVA for Help With Energy Efficiency

This blog is the third in a series SACE is publishing on recent energy efficiency advocacy meetings between Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and community members across the Tennessee Valley. The first blog,…


Memphians Ask TVA for Energy Efficiency Solutions to Extreme Energy Burdens

This blog is the second in a series SACE is publishing on recent energy efficiency meetings between TVA and community members all across the Tennessee Valley. The first blog, focusing on TVA…


O’ TVA Where Art Thou? Rural Community Members Ask TVA for Energy Efficiency Programs

This is a joint blog between Southern Alliance for Clean Energy and Appalachian Voices. It is also the first in a series SACE will publish on recent energy efficiency meetings between TVA…