
Bigger Turbines, Bigger Opportunities for Virginia

This post is the ninth in a blog series discussing state-by-state highlights of wind energy throughout the South in the lead up to the WINDPOWER Expo in Orlando, FL, May 18 –…


Sign Up Today to Protect Our Coast from Offshore Drilling

Today, registration officially opens for the 6th annual Hands Across the Sand, taking place this year on Saturday, May 16. Hands Across the Sand is the annual grassroots day of action in…


Southeast Coast Up For Sale For Offshore Drilling?

Today, the Obama administration proposed a sale to lease the waters off of the Carolinas, Georgia, and Virginia for oil and gas development. The details of this proposal were released in the…


When It Comes to Energy Efficiency, Health and Environment Are Bigger Motivators Than Saving Money

The National Academy of Sciences published a report yesterday that found that messages about the environment and health motivate people to save energy more than messages about saving money. Fortunately, consumers don't…


Why the South is the Next Frontier for Wind Energy

This blog entry was written by Allie Brown, former Clean Energy Advocacy Manager at SACE.


EPA proposed regulations suggest states capture up 6 times more efficiency in the Southeast

On June 2, the EPA released its proposed rules on existing coal fired power plants. In our press release, we discussed that the proposed standards call for reductions in carbon emissions from…


Pressure Mounts for Duke Energy Coal Ash Cleanup

Since the Dan River coal ash disaster began, North Carolina seems to have become the epicenter in the fight to clean up coal ash dumpsites. All eyes are on Duke Energy and…


Coal Ash Gets Its Day In Court

As predicted in our last blog post on the Dan River coal ash disaster, the repercussions of this tragic event continue to make daily news. While environmental and community advocacy groups have…


12 Business Cases that Support Offshore Wind Energy

This blog entry was written by Allie Brown, former Clean Energy Advocacy Manager at SACE.


Dan River Disaster Recap Timeline

Having trouble keeping track of all the developments since the Dan River disaster began over a month ago? We continue to be amazed that the coal ash spill and subsequent developments have…