
All Aboard the Roller Coaster: Ala. Coal Week in Review

News about Alabama's coal – its alleged divine origins, televised misinformation from elected officials, pleas to the federal Environmental Protection Agency, closure and conversion of coal plants, and now, a lawsuit against…


Alabama Coal Association Whines About Losing in the Free Market

In a letter dated December 9th to Senator Richard Shelby, the Alabama Coal Association has called for an investigation of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy and other environmental groups, complaining that we…


What Obama Election Means for Coal, Climate Change, and American Energy Future

This blog, entitled "What Obama's Re-Election Means for Coal, Climate Change, and America's Energy Future" was written by Mary Anne Hitt, Director of the Sierra Club's Beyond Coal Campaign, and originally appeared in…


The War on Coal Decoded

  After learning of the Stop the War on Coal Act, which shockingly passed the House of Representatives a few weeks ago, I began to wonder where all these people (also known as our elected Representatives)…