
Wind Power Transmission Project Could Create Tens of Thousands of Jobs

This blog is part of a series reviewing the proposed Plains and Eastern Clean Line project. Other blogs in the series are available here. The Plains and Eastern Clean Line project would connect…


Wind Power Transmission Project Would Provide Health Benefits

This blog is part of a series reviewing the proposed Plains and Eastern Clean Line project. Other blogs in the series are available here. A newly proposed transmission project would connect high quality…


Yes, America wants solar and wind, not nukes

This guest blog was originally published by Michael Mariotte, president of the Nuclear Information Resource Service (NIRS) in GreenWorld on January 16, 2015. Find the direct post here. The post references the…


"Reliable" Nuclear Reactor Shuts Down in Blizzard

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


What the Senate’s Tax Bill Means for Wind

This is a guest blog post by Mary Kate Francis at the American Wind Energy Association. The original post was published here December 17, 2014 on the AWEA blog, Into the Wind.…


For Renewable Energy, The Future is Now

There's been some pretty amazing news for renewable energy recently. Just this week, a consortium of companies announced that they will build a $4 billion wind farm, connected to a $2.6 billion…


Why $100bn invested in wind or solar will produce more energy than oil

This article by Giles Parkinson originally appeared in the Australian publication RenewEconomy on September 16, 2014 and can be viewed in its entirety here. French investment bank Kepler Cheuvreux has produced a fascinating…


Smoke and Mirrors: Wind Turbine Fire Claims Overblown

A recent non-peer reviewed study evaluated the frequency of wind turbine fires around the world. The study found that every year there are approximately 11.7 wind turbine fires that are reported globally.…


Hate that the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge wastes water? You're really going to hate this...

SACE staffer Amelia Shenstone contributed to this piece. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has riveted the country, and it was only a matter of time before people started complaining about the quantity…


5 Reasons to Attend AWEA's Offshore Wind Expo

The American Wind Energy Association is hosting its annual Offshore Wind Expo in Atlantic City, New Jersey this year. This is the second time the expo has made its way to the…