
Florida's Electric Vehicle Market is Ready for Lift Off

Policymakers need to capitalize on Florida’s EV potential: upward trending market indicators, a robust EV Master Plan, and $30.7 billion in upcoming federal electric vehicle (EV) eligible funding.   


Why Equity Must Be Central to Transportation Electrification

Electric transportation can be both the figurative and literal vehicle to help further social justice and improve the lives and livelihoods of many in low-income and rural communities.


NC Regulators Weigh in on Duke's Resource Plan, Process for Carbon Reduction Plan

North Carolina Commission issued two orders setting 2022 up as a pivotal year in the state's clean energy transition.


Electrifying Transportation Could Bring $7.9 Billion To Georgia's Economy While Slashing Emissions

By leading the transition to electric cars, trucks, and buses, Georgia can spur economic growth, save money, and create jobs — all while reducing carbon emissions to benefit the climate.


Rest in Peace, Winter the Dolphin

The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) wishes to add our condolences for the loss of Winter the Dolphin who died on November 11, 2021, at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium in the…


TVA Board gives away power plant decision-making authority to CEO Jeff Lyash, while also giving him a raise

Brady Watson, former Civic Engagement Coordinator for the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, also contributed to this blog post. At the Tennessee Valley Authority’s (TVA) Board meeting on November 10, Board members…


Customers Remain Without Options in TVA's Fence

Federal regulators missed an opportunity to poke holes in the TVA fence, leaving customers without options for lower cost, cleaner power.


Local utilities claim TVA retaliated for seeking transmission access

With less than a week before a decision at FERC is expected, sworn statements assert TVA retaliated against utility customers that are seeking the ability to pay TVA to use its transmission…


FERC Deadlocked, SEEM Moves Forward

On October 12, 2021, the Southeast Energy Exchange Market (SEEM) proposed in Docket No. ER21-1111 "became effective by operation of law" because of the "absence of Commission action on or before October…


North Carolina's HB 951: Improved but still problematic

New revisions to HB 951 improve on the controversial North Carolina legislation. The intent behind the bill is clear: reduce carbon, move toward performance-based rate regulation, reduce the financial burden to customers…