
TVA Nears Decision to Build New Gas Plant and Pipeline in Middle Tennessee

TVA is trying to lock in the gas plants it wants to build at Cumberland and Kingston so that these decisions cannot be backtracked in the next IRP.


It's November, Where does the 2022 North Carolina Carbon Plan Stand?

On October 24, all intervenors' post-hearing filings were due to the NCUC. These are the final step where intervenors tell Commissioners what we want to see in the final Carbon Plan. We…


Local Utilities Withdraw Appeal for Transmission Access from TVA

Utilities challenging TVA's claim of exemption from providing transmission access have withdrawn their appeal of FERC's decision, ending the pursuit of opening TVA's transmission system, for now. But future options remain.


MLGW's Power Supply Decision is Not an Either/Or, Best Option for Right Now is to Buy Time

After spending three years evaluating ways it can save its customers money by making changes in its power supply, Memphis Light, Gas & Water (MLGW) has recommended to its Board of Commissioners…


TVA Misleading Memphis on Reliability, Consistently Imports Power from Neighbor MISO

TVA's misinformation about reliability if MLGW joins MISO is a scare tactic. In fact, without MISO, we're not sure TVA could keep the lights on in Memphis.


SACE Intervenes to Stop TVA's Gas Plant and Pipeline in Middle Tennessee

Today SACE intervened in the docket to ask the FERC to do its own review of the need for TVA to build a new gas plant at Cumberland.


Energy Policy Staff

Highly-qualified individuals with professional experience and/or education that demonstrates an understanding of energy policy issues are encouraged to provide a resume and letter of interest for future positions that we may have.…


SACE and Coalition Partners Submit Carbon Plan to North Carolina Utilities Commission

SACE and co-intervenors submitted a plan that the NCUC could take to achieve its North Carolina carbon reduction mandates. Independent expert analysis shows that investments in energy efficiency, solar, and storage can…


TVA issues request for carbon-free energy proposals

On July 12, 2022, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) issued a request for proposals (RFP) for up to 5 GW of carbon-free electric capacity to potentially connect to the TVA grid by…


Tracking Decarbonization in the Southeast: 2022 Annual Update

Climate science shows we must achieve net-zero GHG emissions between 2040-2055 to limit the global average temperature increase to 1.5 degrees C and avoid the worst impacts of the climate crisis.