
The Lights Are Out at EPA Region 4

The US EPA has essentially no comments on the dangerous Enbridge/ETNG Ridgeline Expansion 122-mile proposed pipeline to Kingston. SACE has significant concerns about the safety of this pipeline project.


Pipeline company misleads the public for profit and fossil fuels

Transco doesn’t want you to know that hazardous sites are along its proposed route, that, if disturbed, could exacerbate groundwater contamination risks.


FERC Issues Final Environmental Impact Statement for Ridgeline Expansion Pipeline

FERC's Final Environmental Impact Statement for the 122-mile Ridgeline Expansion gas pipeline in Tennessee glosses over safety risks.


TVA's Secret Deals and Lack of Transparency: What Valley Residents Deserve to Know

TVA’s plans for a methane gas plant in Cheatham County reveal a troubling pattern of secrecy, insider deals, and disregard for community input. This blog explores how these actions are eroding public…


A Pipeline Runs Through It

Past a prison and an elementary school, the T15 pipeline will traverse 45 miles of North Carolina countryside that Shelley Robbins wanted to see for herself. The T15 is planned as a…


Key Pollution Limits Pass Crucial First Test

A recent US Supreme Court decision upheld a key environmental protection rule limiting climate pollution from power plants, sending a message to utilities nationwide that they need to actively decarbonize their power…


North Carolina Utilities Commission Adopts Duke's Fossil Plan as its Carbon Plan

Climate takes a backseat as the NCUC adopts Duke's preferred approach of meeting new load growth with a massive fossil gas buildout over decarbonization


We’re Not in Kansas Anymore

With increasingly catastrophic storms like Helene, we need to call the source of this destruction what it is – burning fossil fuels. Yet this message is not being elevated in our region…


The North Carolina Utilities Commission has a hole to fill on North Carolina’s road to decarbonization

Big decisions are coming regarding what resources will fill a looming hole in electricity generation as coal plants are retired and an uncertain amount of new load is added to the grid.


TVA Draft IRP - Exceedingly Broad Planning is Meaningless

TVA's draft does not present a single strategy or plan for TVA to prioritize moving forward. Instead it presents 30 potential paths forward based on 6 scenarios and 5 strategies.