
Decoding the Impact of Gas Prices on Electric Bills

Increasing bill volatility is one of many drawbacks of a gas-reliant electric system. We need to change the way we regulate fuel cost recovery and move away from heavy gas reliance.


TVA CEO Releases Record of Decision on New Gas Plant

On Friday, January 20, 2023, the Tennessee Valley Authority's CEO, Jeff Lyash published a Record of Decision in the Federal Register: it plans to replace the retiring Cumberland coal plant with a…


TVA Nears Decision to Build New Gas Plant and Pipeline in Middle Tennessee

TVA is trying to lock in the gas plants it wants to build at Cumberland and Kingston so that these decisions cannot be backtracked in the next IRP.


Florida Power Bills To Spike (again!): Reliance on Fossil Gas Largely to Blame

Florida power bills are spiking (again!) - due primarily to high fossil gas prices. The state's reliance on fossil gas is pummeling hard working families and businesses. It's time for state regulators…


SACE Intervenes to Stop TVA's Gas Plant and Pipeline in Middle Tennessee

Today SACE intervened in the docket to ask the FERC to do its own review of the need for TVA to build a new gas plant at Cumberland.


Hundreds of individuals and groups, including Nashville and the EPA, submit comments on TVA’s proposed gas power plant and pipeline

Hundreds of concerned individuals, organizations, local elected officials, and power providers in the Tennessee Valley criticized TVA's proposed Cumberland fossil gas power plant and pipeline plans, and are calling instead for the…


Tracking Decarbonization in the Southeast: 2022 Annual Update

Climate science shows we must achieve net-zero GHG emissions between 2040-2055 to limit the global average temperature increase to 1.5 degrees C and avoid the worst impacts of the climate crisis.


Georgia Power’s 2022 Integrated Resource Plan in the Home Stretch: Yet Key Issues Remain 

A number of issues that we (Southern Alliance for Clean Energy & Southface), and other parties, are concerned about, were either omitted from the Stipulation or otherwise insufficiently addressed.


Hands Across the Sand returns to oppose oil drilling

Florida’s coasts are still at risk twelve years after BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill.


TVA plans to replace Cumberland coal plant with another fossil fuel

In 2021 TVA announced it would shutter the Cumberland coal plant. Last week, TVA proposed to lock customers into paying for fossil gas to replace it, without fully exploring efficiency and renewable…