
Georgia Public Service Commission Fails to Protect Georgians from Mandatory Fixed Fees

On Tuesday, the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) made its ruling by a 4-1 vote on Georgia Power’s rate case, notably granting an ill-advised $4 increase in the mandatory monthly fee residential…


Untax the Sun -- Solar For ALL of Alabama

Alabama Power places an unfair tax on customers that use solar power. Solar power should be available to ALL of Alabama – free from unfair taxation!


TVA Proposes to Axe Customer Solar Program

On November 8, SACE submitted comments to TVA on their proposal to do away with a program that compensates customers for solar generated at their house or business and replace it with…


Florida: One Step Closer to Becoming Solar Energy Leader

A settlement agreement filed at the Florida Public Service Commission on the SolarTogether community solar program will, if approved, allow all FPL customers - including low-income - to participate in the largest community…


Reflecting on 8 Years Advocating for Clean Energy

SACE has a tradition of celebrating the passage of each staff member's work anniversary on their hire date with a celebratory email--usually with a funny picture or quote or something like that…


Corporate Climate Leadership: Necessary but Insufficient

Amazon and Google are leading. But corporate leadership is not a substitute for robust climate and energy policy at the state and national levels.


Another classic case of doublespeak from a Southeast utility –– this time it's Alabama Power

Alabama Power packages solar capacity approved four years ago into current proposal for gas plants.


What's everyone in the solar industry talking about?

Bryan Jacob represented SACE at Solar Power International (SPI) and North America Smart Energy Week along with 19,000 other energy professionals. Following are Bryan's reflections from this annual convening.


TVA deceives the public and the press with misleading claim of solar commitment

Despite what the Tennessee Valley Authority wants you to think, the utility does not have any intention of installing 14 gigawatts (GW) of solar over the next 20 years. In reality, the…


North Carolina orders Duke Energy to evaluate coal retirements

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.