
If It Ain't Broke, Don’t Fix It: Protect Florida's Rooftop Solar Net Metering Policy

Over 4.4 million Floridians cast a vote in support of solar choice in 2016. Yet, just three votes at a PSC workshop on September 17 could lay the groundwork for squelching rooftop…


SunBlockers: 'Solar in the Southeast' Annual Report (Part 5)

Who are the laggards, or "SunBlockers" from this year's 'Solar in the Southeast' annual report? Spoiler alert: they are all repeat offenders.


SunRisers: 'Solar in the Southeast' Annual Report (Part 4)

Utilities exhibiting the highest solar ambition over the next four years earn the prestigious title of SunRisers. Today's blog, the fourth in a series about our new Solar in the Southeast annual…


Florida Up; North Carolina down: 'Solar in the Southeast' Annual Report (Part 3)

Florida will surpass North Carolina on total installed solar capacity even sooner than expected. This third blog about our recent 'Solar in the Southeast' annual report shines some light on the updated…


Policy Matters: 'Solar in the Southeast' Annual Report (Part 2)

In part two of our blog series about the current 'Solar in the Southeast' Annual Report, we examine policies behind the performance.


'Solar in the Southeast' – Third Annual Report Highlights Disparity in Solar Growth, Policies, and Approaches Throughout the Region

The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) is pleased to release the third annual 'Solar in the Southeast' report. As usual, we include a rolling four-year forward forecast, now covering the period…


How Much Money Could Memphis Save if MLGW Leaves TVA?

Expert reports have shown MLGW could save hundreds of millions of dollars a year if they left TVA. Those savings could lead to more local jobs and money kept in Memphians pockets.


TVA Bait and Switch: Says local utilities can self-generate 5% of energy, then offers program that only allows 1-2%

Update: Since this blog was published TVA adjusted the rules of its Flexibility Program to multiply solar capacity by a factor of 0.4 so that LPCs can generate up to 3% of…


All-Source Procurement: Allowing Renewables to Compete in Utility Planning

Why are utility executives surprised by all-source procurement outcomes? And, more importantly, how can other utilities replicate these results? A new paper explores the application of all-source procurement for vertically integrated utilities…


Analysis: Overall Southeast Utilities Have More Summer Peak Hours, Some Are “Winter Peaking”

Overall electric demand is flat in the Southeast, but what is happening with peak demand? Does your favorite utility peak in the winter or summer? What difference does it make? Find out…