
Senate Approves TVA Board Nominees

All six of President Biden's nominees for the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Board of Directors were confirmed by the US Senate on December 21, 2022.


TVA Nears Decision to Build New Gas Plant and Pipeline in Middle Tennessee

TVA is trying to lock in the gas plants it wants to build at Cumberland and Kingston so that these decisions cannot be backtracked in the next IRP.


Here’s What Memphians Are Saying About MLGW’s Power Supply Considerations

Memphians are speaking up, saying they do not want to be tied to TVA indefinitely, but rather want MLGW to leave all options on the table right now. Here are some excerpts…


It's November, Where does the 2022 North Carolina Carbon Plan Stand?

On October 24, all intervenors' post-hearing filings were due to the NCUC. These are the final step where intervenors tell Commissioners what we want to see in the final Carbon Plan. We…


The 2022 Rate Case: Georgia Power’s $2.9 Billion Ask  

In the 2022 rate case, the Georgia PSC will determine what are "fair and reasonable" rates and charges Georgia Power can collect from its ~2.7 million customers over the next three years.


Local Utilities Withdraw Appeal for Transmission Access from TVA

Utilities challenging TVA's claim of exemption from providing transmission access have withdrawn their appeal of FERC's decision, ending the pursuit of opening TVA's transmission system, for now. But future options remain.


MLGW's Power Supply Decision is Not an Either/Or, Best Option for Right Now is to Buy Time

After spending three years evaluating ways it can save its customers money by making changes in its power supply, Memphis Light, Gas & Water (MLGW) has recommended to its Board of Commissioners…


Southeast Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Rising, Other Market Indicators Lagging

The region captured over one-third of America's EV manufacturing investments and jobs, and regional EV sales increased 50% over the past year. But the Southeast still lags, and regional policy needs improvement.


Transformational Benefits for Memphis from the Inflation Reduction Act

Memphis and Shelby County is one of the best-positioned communities in the country to benefit from the newly-enacted federal clean energy and climate investment policy. But to get the most out of…


TVA Misleading Memphis on Reliability, Consistently Imports Power from Neighbor MISO

TVA's misinformation about reliability if MLGW joins MISO is a scare tactic. In fact, without MISO, we're not sure TVA could keep the lights on in Memphis.