2023's Record-Breaking Extreme Weather Makes Strong Power Plant Carbon Rules Even More Important
Climate change disproportionately impacts our most vulnerable communities. We need EPA to adopt the strongest possible limits on pollution from power plants in order to protect our region's health and environmental safety.
TVA, Our Nation's Largest "Public" Utility Has The Least Public Planning Process
TVA's Board of Directors refused to hold a public hearing on TVA's 2024 draft IRP, so we held our own.
Brightening Georgia With Solar For Lower-Income Households and Nonprofits
Georgia Bright aims to extend the advantages of solar power to low and middle-income residents, ultimately reducing the burden of utility bills.
Winter Storm Blackouts - Reflections from a Year Later
Southeast utilities are using the specter of blackouts last year to double down on the resource that failed customers the most: gas. Instead utilities should look to energy efficiency, solar and storage,…
Dereliction of Duty
Georgia Public Service Commission accepts equality rather than equity for Vogtle 3 & 4 cost allocation
Clean Energy Education & Environmental Action in Clayton County
Clayton County resident and Clean Energy Generation leader Rhudine Steele joined forces with SACE to advocate for clean energy, distributing Inflation Reduction Act handouts at the Rivers Alive Stream Cleanup.
Rising Up from the Bottom, TVA's $1.5 Billion Efficiency Announcement
TVA’s recent announcement that it will spend $1.5 Billion on energy efficiency and demand management over the next four years may be an important first step, marking a major transition for the…
Take a Video Tour of a Clean Energy Home
By taking gradual steps to integrate energy efficiency, solar and storage, charging for electric vehicles, and managing when energy is used, our homes can run on clean energy and be microcosms of…
Uplifting Architecture for a Sustainable Southeast: Exploring Clean Energy Opportunities
Explore how Architects are joining the clean energy generation to help lead the Southeast into a clean and sustainable future.
Southeast Residents Rally Behind Stricter Carbon Regulations for Power Plants
Residents across the Southeast are rallying behind the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's proposed carbon regulations for power plants, emphasizing a shared commitment to a cleaner future.