Well, Is Bioenergy Carbon Neutral Or Not?
I admit it. I've been impatient. For about two years now I've been carping to anyone who will listen that we don't have sufficient scientific studies here in the Southeast to truly…
Good Jobs Green Jobs comes to the South
From the manufacturing of solar panels and wind turbines, to updating commercial buildings and the weatherization of homes, to the production of cleaner, safer chemicals, the green economy is emerging in cities…
Grants Now Available for Advancing Biofuels Commercialization in NC
The story of David and Goliath is one that should bring courage to advanced biofuels innovators. These are the determined and clever souls who labor to create new technologies that will compete…
Looking beyond Solyndra to REAP big rewards
All the hype over the Solyndra collapse has got me thinking. Most of the criticisms of the Solyndra collapse have focused on the quantity of money, but by now it’s clear that…
House cuts vital rural energy programs, their fate lies in the Senate
Contributors: Sam Gomberg, John Bonitz, Anne Blair Disappointing news came out of the House of Representatives’ Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee on Wednesday concerning energy programs for America's rural businesses and farms. The Rural…
Alarming Estimates of Forest Loss Linked to Bioenergy Projections
This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
Who has the Power? You Do! Take this Quiz
There are persistent myths in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency. One such myth - promoted by the coal industry and their utility friends - is that the Southeast doesn't…
Is Biomass Electricity a Smart Thing to Do?
There is tremendous debate and controversy over biomass, and in some locations there is significant grassroots opposition to biopower projects. A recurring question is whether utilization of biomass for energy production is…
The Good and The Bad on Biomass News in North Carolina
Rumor has it that Duke Energy plans to convert the Dan River power plant from coal to biomass fuel. However, the NCUC reached its decision when considering the relatively insignificant amount of…
Update to our blogpost on Gainesville's GREC biopower plant
We got some excellent feedback to our blogpost on the Gainesville Renewable Energy Center (GREC), both in the comments section and via email. [For the uninitiated, this is the 100MW biomass electricity…