
Turkey Point Reactors: Negligence, Litigation, and a "Pause"

There are a lot moving parts when it comes to both the existing and proposed nuclear reactors at FPL’s Turkey Point plant in south Florida. It can be hard to keep track…


FPL's Turkey Point Costs Hit Customers; Lawsuit Moves Forward

One month ago the Florida Public Service Commission, the agency that regulates the state’s biggest power companies, approved FPL’s request to charge customer for the costs to clean-up an underground contamination plume…


Who Pays When FPL Pollutes?

If a multi-billion dollar monopoly utility messes-up and creates a pollution mess that costs over $200 million to clean up, should its customers have to pick up the tab? Voice your opinions…


Walking in Memphis—Just Feet Above a Coal Ash Cesspool

This guest blog by Lisa Evans, Sr. Administrative Counsel at Earthjustice, is re-posted from July 19, 2017. The original appears here. Memphis residents now have another reason to sing the blues. Last…


Guest Post: FPL Sued Over Turkey Point Crisis By Environmental Groups In Federal Clean Water Act Lawsuit

This is a guest post written by Alan Farago with Friends of the Everglades, who has joined SACE and Tropical Audubon in filing a federal Clean Water Act lawsuit against Florida Power…


3 Reasons Why 2015 Was the Biggest Year Ever for Coal Ash

2015 was a watershed year for our work on coal ash. It's been over seven years since the catastrophic coal ash spill in Kingston, TN and nearly two years since the spill along…


EPA Updates 30-Year-Old Water Quality Standards

Thomas Cmar is an attorney with Earthjustice's Coal program, based in Chicago, IL. This article was reposted with Earthjustice's permission. Read the original post here. Read SACE's statement here. We don’t use…


EPA's Huge Water Pollution Decision and Why They Need to Get it Right

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has an enormously impactful decision to make. By the end of September 2015, EPA is set to update its 30-year-old guidelines for how much pollution states can permit…


Protecting Florida's Apalachicola River from Coal Ash Pollution

This post was authored by David Guest, Managing Attorney for the Florida office of Earthjustice, a public-interest law firm that represented SACE and our allies in this case. It was originally posted…


Sutton Case Study: Coal Ash Harms and Kills Fish

A new study released on December 3, 2013, shows that toxic coal ash from Duke Energy's L.V. Sutton Power Station is seriously harming fish and wildlife in Lake Sutton, a popular fishing…