
Southeast River Runs Part 3: Coal Ash on the Black Warrior River

This is the third blog in a series featuring rivers of the Southeast endangered by toxic coal ash pollution. The rest of the series can be found here. Thanks to Nelson Brooke, Black…


Southeast River Runs Part 2: Coal ash on the Catawba River

This is the second blog in a series featuring rivers of the Southeast endangered by toxic coal ash pollution. The rest of the series can be found here. Thanks to Rick Gaskins,…


Southeast River Runs Part 1: Coal ash on the rivers we love

This is the first blog in a series featuring rivers of the Southeast endangered by toxic coal ash pollution. The rest of the series can be found here. Summer is a great time of…


After 30 Years EPA Proposes New Coal Water Pollution Standards

On Friday, April 19, the Environmental Protection Agency met a court-ordered deadline and released long-awaited draft Coal Water Pollution Standards (also known as Effluent Limitation Guidelines or ELGs). These standards, originally scheduled for…


Senate Showdown Over Health, Environment

This guest post was written by Andrea Delgado, EarthJustice and was originally published here. Your action is urgently needed to stop multiple anti-environmental riders that threaten to allow more toxic pollution in our…


Senate Bill Could Backfire on Charlotte

This guest post was written by Bruce Henderson, writer for the Charlotte Observer, and originally published on the Observer's Earth & Energy blog. The North Carolina Senate's move to purge members of…


Illegal Discharge of Toxic Coal Ash into Waterways Prompts Legal Action at TVAs Colbert Plant

This blog by Waterkeeper Alliance and Tennessee Riverkeeper originally appeared on EcoWatch's website. Click here to view the EcoWatch blog. Citing ongoing coal waste contamination at Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)’s Colbert Fossil Plant, conservation groups…


This Isnt Settled Yet

This guest post, written by Dan Favre, Communications Director for Gulf Restoration Network, originally appeared on GRN's blog here. [Editorial note: Sadly, just hours after this landmark settlement, another Gulf oil platform…


FERC: EPA Rules Will Not Disrupt US Electric Reliability

Congressional supporters of dirty coal are running out of options. The coal-power industry is under pressure to finally clean up its act and efforts to argue that coal power is clean are…


New Rule Suggests EPA Is Caving Under Pressure (and so are the fish)

In the face of pressure from Congress and industry, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has just proposed a new rule that fails to adequately safeguard the aquatic ecosystems, fish and water they…