
Write a Letter for South Carolina Solar Today!

With just two weeks left in this energy-focused South Carolina legislative session, the Legislature has not passed anything to ensure the protection of customers' access to solar power as a way to…


Where Does the Florida PSC Stand on Expanding Rooftop Solar?

Where does the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) stand on expanding the benefits of rooftop solar to more Floridians? The 5-member commission, appointed by Governor Scott, failed to approve a proposed solar…


JEA’s new solar program: The good, the bad, and the ugly

The JEA board yesterday approved a new solar package that was put together by its staff on a very tight timeline despite a months-long stakeholder process. JEA is the largest municipal utility…


Solar Customer to Central Georgia EMC: No Justification For Discriminating Against Solar Customers

The following is a letter originally drafted to by Robert Fowler of Locust Grove, Georgia to his state legislators. With his permission, SACE is sharing his story about recent changes by his…


Scapegoating Rooftop Solar

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Local utility quietly clouds solar future

UPDATE: Lafayette restores smart solar policy Back in 2012, my family installed a new solar power system on our home. Federal tax credits coupled with Louisiana's solar power tax credits meant we spent…


Utility-Backed Amendment 1 Blocks the Sun

Florida is the Sunshine State, right? But you wouldn’t know it by looking at Florida rooftops. There are 9 million electricity customers, yet less than 12,000 solar rooftop systems. Even though Florida…


Colorado shows path forward on renewable energy

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Florida Solar Month: History of Solar Power in the Sunshine State

This is a guest post written by Jonathan Deesing, who is a home solar specialist with SolarPowerAuthority.com living in Salt Lake City, Utah. During the month of August, SACE will sharing blogs that promote solar…


Super Tuesday: Why are conservatives crazy in love with THIS type of energy?

Conservatives get a bad rap for hating renewable energy. But new polling out by the conservative group, ClearPath, show what types of energy republican voters really want and with Super Tuesday upon…