
Sign Up Today To Take A Stand Against Offshore Drilling

Are you opposed to offshore drilling off the Atlantic and Florida Gulf coasts? Then sign up today for Hands Across the Sand 2016! Today is Hands 2016 launch day, which means that…


SACE Releases New Video on Atlantic Offshore Drilling

Yesterday, SACE released a new video highlighting the case against Atlantic offshore drilling and the growing bi-partisan movement against it. Check out the video below and if you agree that we should…


Taking the fight against Atlantic offshore drilling to Washington

Greetings from the nation’s capital! I am in Washington, D.C. on a trip to talk with Congressmen and Senators from South Carolina about the need to protect the Southeast coast from the…


Offsetting Natural Gas with Solar at the SC Court of Appeals

Last Thursday, SACE and partner groups Coastal Conservation League and Southern Environmental Law Center, were at the South Carolina Court of Appeals to continue trying to save electric customers money and reduce…


President Obama emphasizes climate legacy in SOTU, but will he earn it?

SACE staffer Sarah Gilliam contributed to this blogpost. Last night, President Obama delivered his final State of the Union address, which strongly emphasized the role he hopes that having acted on climate…


2015 Registers As 2nd Hottest Year On Record in U.S.

2015 was the second hottest year on record in the United States, according to news released yesterday by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The 2015 annual average U.S. temperature was…


400+ SC Businesses Call on Gov. Haley to Stop Atlantic Offshore Drilling

More than 400 South Carolina businesses delivered a letter to Governor Nikki Haley on Wednesday, asking her to call for the removal of all waters off South Carolina's coast from consideration for…


Historic Climate Agreement Reached in Paris

SACE executive director Stephen Smith and staffer Jennifer Rennicks contributed to this post. Saturday marked the end of the 21st annual session of the United Nations climate change conference and negotiations, which…


South Carolina Offshore Wind Energy Reaches Major Milestone

Yesterday, South Carolina reached a major milestone in advancing potential offshore wind energy development in years to come. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), the federal regulator that oversees offshore wind…


North Charleston Mayor Declares: "Support Solar" and Extend the Solar ITC

Mayor Keith Summey of North Charleston, South Carolina declared by proclamation that yesterday was "A Day To Support Solar" and called for Congress to extend the solar investment tax credit. The proclamation…