Today's National Climate Assessment Provides the Latest on Climate Change
SACE staffer Jennifer Rennicks co-authored this blogpost. A new report, known as the National Climate Assessment, was released by the White House today, presenting the latest information on the state of climate…
New Round of IPCC Reports Keep the Climate Drum Beating
The latest reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) came out this month on the impacts of climate change, how to adapt to those impacts, and how we must reduce…
Join Hands to Protect Our Treasured Places!
For the past four years, there has been one annual worldwide grassroots event that has championed the cause of clean energy as a replacement to risky fossil fuels: Hands Across the Sand.…
South Carolina Benefits Today from Offshore Wind Industry
Despite the fact that South Carolina, and most of the Southeast, has no utility-scale wind farms, we are reaping the benefits of the industry even today. In fact, especially today. Earlier today,…
Obama Admin Ignores Public Input, Advances Atlantic Drilling
Late last week, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), under the Department of Interior, released a document that continues the march toward offshore drilling along our coasts. The document is the…
Local Biz Owners Say Offshore Drilling is Bad for Business
Who would you say is the most qualified entity to talk about what's good and bad for business on the coast of the Southeastern U.S.? President Obama? The U.S. Chamber of Commerce?…
Do You Know What South Carolina's Public Service Commission Does?
Do you know what the South Carolina Public Service Commission (PSC) does? This is a question that the vast majority of South Carolinians may not be able to answer, even though the…
What You Need To Know About Sea Level Rise in Florida
Sea level rise is a critical issue for Florida residents to pay attention to. The magnitude of its impacts on the state seem overwhelming if considered all at once, however, with a…
Energy Independence Goal Passed for Buncombe County, NC
Last night, North Carolina's Buncombe County Board of Commissioners adopted an Energy Independence Resolution that commits the county to achieving an 80 percent reduction in its carbon footprint through an annual 2…
Businesses Lead on Sea Level Rise and Climate Change
This post is the fourth in a five part blog series on sea level rise, being developed concurrent with the new IPCC climate report, Florida Atlantic University’s Sea Level Rise Summit in Fort…