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TVA Board Appointments Present Opportunity for a Sustainable Energy Future
After several months of waiting, President Obama has nominated Neil McBride and Barbara Heskew, both Tennesseans, to fill two of the four vacant seats on the TVA Board of Directors. They now…
Copenhagen Close-up: Coastal Adaptation in Denmark - Ahead of the Curve or Behind the Times?
This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy and was co-authored by Toni Reale, former Coastal Climate Coordinator at…
Copenhagen Close-up: Changing the game to a Bright Green future
This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy and co-authored by John Wilson, former Director of Research at the…
Copenhagen Close-up: How Offshore Wind is Powering a Nation
This blogpost was co-authored by Rita Kilpatrick and Brandon Blevins Imagine a society that draws on the power of the wind to generate a significant portion of its electricity. I’m seeing firsthand…
North Carolina Asks the Climate Question
March 2nd and 3rd, 2010 marked a significant step forward for North Carolina on dealing with the challenges and opportunities posed by climate change. For the first time in North Carolina's history…
Diesel Emissions Reduction Act Moves Forward, Needs Support
This week, the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee passed S.B. 3973, the "Voinovich-Carper Diesel Emissions Reduction Act of 2010". This is a significant step on the bill's path to (hopefully) becoming…
SACE wins EPA Clean Diesel Award
Today, SACE is pleased to announce our recent $5 million award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the creation of our new program "Clean Trucks Make Cents" (CTMC). The award,…
Climate lessons from South Florida in 2011
Earlier this month I had the opportunity to attend the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Leadership Summit, hosted by Monroe County—the county of the Florida Keys. The highlight of the event was the…
Georgia Power Finishes 2011 with a Round of Applause
This blog was written by Natalie Mims and Jeannie McKinney. A little bit of congratulating is in order for one of the Southeast’s largest investor-owned electric utilities. As we’ve said time and…
Congress unfairly picks winners (nuclear reactors) and losers (renewable energy)
When talking about energy policy in our nation’s Capitol, you can hardly visit a U.S. Senator or Representative’s office without hearing that they supposedly support an “all of the above” energy strategy.…